Claire Nixon – Coach and Mentor
Claire is a fully qualified, accreditated equestrian coach and Mentor, who established the Swinhoe Farm Riding Centre in 2005 at the young age of 19.
Back then, in order to become a BHSAI (now known as BHS Stage 3 Coach in Complete Horsemanship), she had to coach 500 hours before becoming qualified. Since then Claire has put in the hard work, working her way up the qualification levels to the BHS Stage 5 Senior Coach and UKCC Level 4 Coach. This gives Claire a great understanding of the requirements at all levels which will help you gain your own qualifications.
Claire Coaches a wide range of riders from Children (4 years upwards) to Adults, from Complete beginners to Advanced, from Participation riders to Competition Riders. She also has a lot of expertise in coaching a wide range of Learning difficulties and disabilities.
Claire’s passion is to help empower riders and coaches by giving them the tools to enable them to unlock and develop their skills so that they can achieve their goals and dreams!

Claire’s Qualifications